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Monday, 5 December 2011

fUll hOuSe KorEA best !!!

FULL HOUSE terbaik!!!
sblom aq x suka tngok korea ihih apa yg best nye korea niy ah!xpy bila dh tngok full house seriesly best sesangat sngtnya,,first yg gyi tahu certa niy Agatha lah ihih coz dye yg suka tngok,,then ingt nk try je tngok coz sblom niy umh aq x de astro ihihtpy mlng nya nk tngok x ada masa asik terlepas je,,then stu hry tyu aq dtg umh agatha dye bgy pnjm DVD certa full house dye beli,,start mlm tyu aq tngok ..
WAH!! best~~
korank nk thu aq start watching full house tyu kol 9.30 smpai kol 10 lbih then stop kjp minum air then start blk.. korank thu smpai kol bpew aq tngok ah!! dry 11 lbih smpai kol 7.28 pgy,,seriesly ngntuk,,ihih then terus tido walaupon x biz tngok tinggl 3 episod gy ihih,,esk nya kol 3 ptg aq start tngok blk smpai hbis,,even aq dh biz tngok aq still ulng lgy coz cerita dye mnarik iuhih,,

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

tElliNg abOut mY Novel (oKey Lah)

okeyh,,first of all,i want to tell about my another novel tht i bought,,ihihi tht my new hobby right now,,after study then novel ihih,,oklah my third novel is AKHIRNYA AKU KAHWIN seriesly best giler!!u know what,,stay kat popular shop dkt 1 jm sematax2 tyu cry novel ylh sblom cry novel cry buku tuk study,,then pergy rak novel ,,mmg best sbb nmpak a lot of novel ,,ada yng colourful,wonderful title ihih,,aq klau nk beli novel kena tngok sinopsis blkng novel atau tajuk,,ihih then cry punya lah lama ,,mcmx2 buku yg dibelet,,
AKHIRNYA!! aq dpt yeah!!!,,,so ini lah cover novel tu ahaks,,excited,,doesnt matter so back to the story,,bila nk baca mama pula yg amik dulu ihih,,kena lah bagy mama abis baca,,kekadang sorokx2 gak nk mik buku tu ihih yelah excited nk baca ,,xpy malang coz mama dpt hidu ahaks,,
bila mama dh biz je baca ah time for me lh pulak,,duk dlm bilik kunci pintu then tenang dulu,,baca bismillah,,ihih then buka,,akhirnya abiz juga aq baca finally,,ihih.,nk thu cm ne certa dye,,bila aq bca mcm aq pula yg ada dkt dlm situation tyu ihih,,PERASAN kjp,ihih sbb certa tyu adalah cinta muka buku,,ada lah skit,,nma dlm certa tyu DIANA @ DIDI @ DEBAB,,kowang nk thu spa yg pnggil DEBAB tyu,,????
dye adalah FIZZI budak yng mulut nucklear ihihi,.,DIDI niy kn dye suka chat kt fb n dye ada stu kwan yg mcm dye ,,juga,,xpy budak tyu lelaki,,nma nickname DIDI at fb yelah  ANAK TABUAN COMOT,,ihih klkar kn,nma budak lelaki yg chat nn dye tyu yelh TERHANGAT DI PASARAN,,iuhuh mcmx2 kn,,ok sng certa lah fizzi niy ank kpd datuk ,,tpy ayh dye niy adlh ayh angkat kpda DIDI,,x nk certa pnjng lh akhirnya FIZZI kwin dngn DIDI thu sbb apa ,,??? sbb syang lh, ihih,,kowang nk thu spe yg sllu tmn DIDI chtiing tyu,,dye yelha??
terkejut x ihihi,,poyo j kn ihih,,k lh apax2 pon beli sndiri keyh,,baca,,if dh baca good duk diamx2 beli yg baru spe yg blom jom beli,,gerenti best nescaylah,,
see ya peace !!

Monday, 28 November 2011

The bESt MomEnT eVeR !!!!!!!!

uhmm back from the last chapter,,HOLIDAY rite,,ihih
x nk lah certa sl tyu ylh aq pon dh biz sek kat qatar so now aq nk story moly skit lh ihih,,apa erk,uhmm okeyh,
aq rasa idup niy bagai kn mimpi lah coz dulu aq just nk ke England,New york,London,,xpy itulah DREAM COME TRUE aq sm[ai kew QATAR satu nma negara yng aq sndiri x thu ihihilbih jauh dry yg aq nk gyi,,ihih rezeki family,,then aq prgy qatar 4/4/2009 ,,1 month aq x sek then when first time msuk sek ,,feel like want to cry,,u know what,seriesly i dont know how to speak in english yg aq cuma thu ckp YES & NO ihih funny kn xpy itulah reality nye,,dekat 2 bulan lbih aq x pndai ckp,,then bleh skitx2,,skrg niy dh lbih 2 thun aq duk sne,,pejam jelik je dh 2 thun stu bnda yg agk lama ramai friends yg aq jmpa x kira bngsa atau usia,,one more thing yg best aq jmpa cikgu yg best n fun,,if aq sebut nama nya pon bnyk so next season aq akn certa ok ihih,,uhmm rasanya trllu pnjng certa aq niy kn aq rasa bnyk lgy story ok x per lh ini aja yg aq share uhmm yg lain tyu biarlah mnjady rahsia yg terindah untuk aq,,
xpy kn stu bnda yg aq x kn lupakn bila kekawan aq blng tepung,belon ada air,,it fun lh ihih n beli kek untuk fairwell aq n hppy bday to afiqah ihih,,
klah see u next season ihi,,,
peace !!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

lOng tIme No sEE aR !!

ihhi long time no see la blogger,,say hye first,,
ummm,,nearly 2 month im not open my blogger rite,,it too long,,tht coz of my broadband ,,so slow,,hihi
so now i will start a new chapter rite now,,not here a new page ihih,,uhmm lbih 2 bulan gak cuty skrg seriesly best,,sometime bored,ylh nothing to do,,but even cuty lama pon we need to study coz JANUARY
is coming noooo!!!!!! SPM is coming too,,

Saturday, 27 August 2011

nOveL-NoVeL dAn NoveL!!!

Nak beli novelll.....alla, skrg niy aq gila novel ihih,,bila pergy kedai buku nk beli xpy memilih mna tak nye tngok cpver x menrik mcm mna beli,,klau macm novel niy baru mantopp!!
sepupuku suamiku !!
cerita niy first time aq baca mmg mantap..da yg sedeyh smpai nk ngis tyu ihih,,cerita dye mmg lumayan,,novel first yg aq pinjam dry miera sbb ssblom niy bca novel comic je,,xpy bila baca bku niy,,aq asa lgy nk baca novel yg lain .,my second novel pulak yelah!!
siapakah di hatiku !!
yang ini pon cme,,mmg terbaik wok,,ihihi,,yelah jln cerita yg x pernah putusx2 best nye,.,cuma yg kurang interesting when cerita sl kwn dye jojo(jamilah) argh,,tht not interesting ,,tht borink,,
xpy apax2 pon,,2 novel niy mmg terbaik,,rasa bla baca mcm kita yg kat dlm novel niy,,
kpda sesiapa yg baca blog niy lah,,kn,,cer arg baca,,
spe yg dh,,dh lah kan ihihi,,
terbaik wokk,,!!

i caNt sleeP :P

i cant sleep..oonoo,,my eyes become red argh,

Friday, 26 August 2011

alHamDulliLAh,,, :))

papa dh smpai pon umh nk kita org dh gyi shopping best!!!mcmx2 beli dh,,baju raya blom settle lagy,,tudung,kasut pon blom beli,,klau gyi shopping tyu x sha klau x blk smpai kol 1 pgy ihihihx2,tyu beru jln nmanye kan ihih,.,papa klau balik bnda pertma dye beli,,durian,cempedak sedap!!..mkan pon dh mcmx2 yelah mma x sihat sngat mana bleh bawa kete sngat kan,,ihihi..
arhh!!ye,,klau ada rezeki balik lah malaysia blik aq sngup,,inyallah,,
inilah family aq yang paling aq sayang,,ihihih'
thun niy ada duit lebih,,nk belikan opah kasut,,mesty opah suka kn,,mesty dye terkejut ihih,,
"niy opah untuk opah"ihihihi mcm mana lah riaksi opah yek ??
klah skrg niy dh kol 5.56 pgy dh,,yelah nk tunggu solatg subuh bru biz shur.,ihih