Wednesday, 18 May 2011
cubalh kau mengerti...
cubalah kau mengerti hati dan perasaan aq pulak cukup tuk seribu kli aq yg menjaga haty kau cuba lh tuk sekali un x per..jgn buat aq menangis didalm hty, pon syang kat kau dn dye..tpy kau x pernah nk hargai kami aq dn dye x mintak apa cuma paham kami shaja,,kami ade persaan sbagai seorng manusia kat muak bumi niy..tpy napa kau cuma nmpak kami terlalu kecik dn dye dh kwn nan kau lama sngat lama 1 thun kira lama lh tyu..tpy dye cuma??? kau x pernah rasa ke klua kami ny x berguna..kami selalu jaga perasaan kau xpy kau???aq x nk bnyak cuma nk kau pham kami..bila kau ckp pasal dye dn mintak tolong at kmi hanya kerana dyeaq terfikir aq niy sper..adew nilai kew dihaty tahu jawapan dye kau simpan jelah..dn jawapan dye yes!!!dye paling bernilai selain kami..tolong lah syng kau tpy tolong fikir -fikir dn terus fikir spe kami sehingga kau dpt jawapan tyu baru lah kau tahu spe kami di hty kau,.aq bosan krna tipu dry aq sndiri dn aq tipu kat perasaan aq yg sellau nk nngis bila kau ckp psl dye bukn x bleh tpy dye bagai kn 120 thun knal ngn kau..rasa skit hty tyu sellau dtg ,..tpy aq simpan sbb tak nk kau kecewa atau moody tpy kau adew jaga hty mintak tolong sngat ......fikir syng at kau...maaf klau kau baca text ini tpy aq x de niat nk burukkn kau..cuma nk kau thu luwahan haty aq yg dh nk berdarah niy..maaf kn aq harap kau x mik msih syng kau..tmpat kau masih ade...di hty kami,,,
Sunday, 15 May 2011
i dont know what hppen to mey..
what hppen to me ah??me and u dont have any relation but why now it come back again..ouh omg!! please dont say it again key..i dont know why i cant hear that..i realize tht i'm not perfect ,,i really know my life i want to get what i want..before i hear wht you want..i need to think it first tht not easy key..cause im so far from u then i dont know wht u do at plese..let me thinking it first..seriously i said we are friends no more than tht..i need to past all my exam first thn i thinking about that..tht not to important for my life..u need to realize tht..i thinking about tht if i ready..the important in my life study,my familly and my friens tht are importent to me..but if u reallyx2..honest wit tht i will...**** u...
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